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June 26, 2013
Princeton Broadband  Committee

Meeting Minutes June 26, 2013  6:00pm  Town Hall Office

Meeting called to order at  6:03 PM.  Committee Members Present:

Mike Cote
Bill Dino
Rich Wagner
Ned Utzig
John Kowaleski
Petr Spacek
Stan Moss
Phil O’Brien

6/19 Minutes approved.

Meet with Greg Grisevich of G4S on design kickoff.

Stan covered town meeting, questions from residents on cost.
G4S indicated that by July 15 latest we should have design & estimation delivered.

What’s done so far:
  • driven roads
  • counted homes
  • recorded mileage on each road
  • started physical CAD map with data
What’s left to do:
  • finish applying info to CAD map of town
  • overlay of homes per street, fiber counts recommended.
  • Assumes 2 strands of fiber to each home.
  • Town has two sections each with a POP, location TBD.  (Possibly at PMLD and East Princeton FD.)  POPs are not redundant replacements, but segment town so whole system does not go down together.
  • Visit around the week of July 8th to review documents, finalize.
Documents to be delivered:

  • map, design plan, example project schedule of comparable network, risks/concerns including expansion and redundancy plans.  Recommendations on equipment including ONT equipment.
Questions on how network expands with new houses.  “Slack” provided in design.

Redundancy in design , discussion on what it would take to make POPs redundant.  May add 20-25% cost, extra equipment racks.

Discussion on splitting feed from Westminster to feed East Princeton separately.
Discussion on multi-use/multi-family properties.

Support Princeton Broadband Committee has been formed by residents.   Donations/checks can be sent to:

“Support Princeton Broadband”
PO Box 588, Princeton MA.

Discussion on connectivity to other middle-mile providers for redundancy. (aka Plan B.)

Action Items:

  • Talk to Cell towers about connecting to fiber / getting an ONT, could be a source of revenue. (Stan)
  • Mike to talk with G4S about feasibility of splitting feed to town to East Princeton FD
  • Ned/Gloria to set up PayPal, send link to Rich.
  • John creating RFI  document for ISPs.
  • Phil will send out press release on Support PBB.

Upcoming Agenda:  

  • July 3  -  No meeting
  • July 10 – (possible) G4S design review.

Meeting adjourned 7:45 pm

Respectfully submitted,
Ned Utzig